Sunday, May 29, 2016


The Donald Trump Agenda
By Andrew J. Santos
Global Research, May 22, 2016
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Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has based his candidacy on being an outsider who will “make America great again”.
Trump is perceived as going against the political establishment, particularly because he is not a career politician who is owned by lobbyists. Trump has delved into various issues, such as tax and trade reform; however, his presidential run has predominantly focused on the issue of illegal immigration, in particularly the infamous wall. It is his position on the issue of immigration, more than any other, where the Trump agenda is clearly revealed.
Trump has claimed that the answer to the immigration crisis in America is to build a wall, have mass deportations, and “defend the laws and constitution of the United States”. [1]
In regards to a wall along the US/Mexico border, former Congressman Ron Paul, stated “ I think this fence business is designed and may well be used against us and keep us in. In economic turmoil, the people want to leave with their capital and there’s capital controls and there’s people control. Every time you think about the fence, think about the fences being used against us, keeping us in”. [2] This proposed wall is to be built between the US and Mexico border, but not Canada’s border. This is despite the fact that visa overstays from Canada are twice as many than from Mexico.[3] It is also in spite of the fact that 51% of “illegal immigrants” are from a country other than Mexico.[4]
Trump’s plan to build a wall on America’s southern border is dependent on Mexico paying $5-10 billion for it. In order to coerce Mexico into paying for the wall, he proposes a statist solution of magnifying the Federal government’s power of monitoring monetary transactions between individuals. His plan would force privately-owned financial institutions, such as Western Union, to act as bureaucrats who would impede on an individual’s liberty to freely conduct business. This regulation would apply to every individual who uses these services in the US. Such a regulation is a hallmark of a police-state in which every individual’s privacy is subject to government surveillance. Trump’s plan for breaking up the family unit through deportations, known as the sequel to Operation: Wetback, can only be accomplished through a police-state. [5] It is plausible that martial law would be enacted to facilitate these mass deportations.
Trump expands section 326 of the Patriot Act as a means to create this nationwide regulation which would further impose government intervention into the private sector. [6] Trump’s draconian Big Government regulation would virtually freeze remittances from the US to Mexico. This is essentially a capital control which would confiscate a person’s property (money).
According to Ron Paul, this plan “sounds like theft […] and I think it sounds like something illegal. I think it sounds like it’s immoral”. [7] Under a Trump administration, an individual’s liberty to disburse their own money would be prohibited based on belonging to a certain class. Such a measure is founded on a collectivist notion. Undocumented immigrants within the US would in effect, become economic slaves to a greater extent. Employers who hire undocumented workers are exempt from any new punitive measures under a Trump administration. This is not surprising considering the fact that Trump hired undocumented immigrants to build Trump tower and even called them “good hard workers”. [8]
In addition to building a wall, Trump wants to “triple the number of ICE officers”, make E-Verify mandatory nationwide, and “end birthright citizenship”. [9] The expansion of Immigration and Custom Enforcement serves to increase the size of Department of Homeland Security as a whole; thereby adding to the US’ every increasing police-state apparatus. It would undoubtedly increase the power of the prison-industrial complex as well.
Trump’s E-Verify mandate once again brings government into the private sector. According to a policy analysis by the Cato Institute, “a national E-Verify mandate would not turn off the jobs magnet, but it would spur more unlawful immigrants to engage in identity theft and work under the table”. [10] It is logical that a business owner, who wants to keep expenses down, would bypass such a government mandate.
Trump’s plan to curb so-called “anchor babies” is in direct violation of the US Constitution. The 14th Amendment states “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside”. [11] The 14th Amendment’s basis of jus solis, not jus sanguinis, makes it clear that this includes the children of undocumented persons within the US.
Trump’s position on immigration reform makes it evident that his administration would: make government bigger, add regulations that would burden private-sector businesses, enlarge the police-state grid, and tread heavily on the US Constitution. The Trump agenda is undeniably: Fascism.
Why would people support these fascist policies? Firstly, the claim that he is an outsider who is not owned by lobbyists is blatantly false. Trump himself is a lobbyist, as observed by the numerous donations he has made to politicians. Notably, he has made numerous donations to Hillary Clinton throughout the years. [12] Trump is a component of the Wall Street establishment. His new finance chairman is Steven Mnuchin. Mnuchin has worked for Goldman Sachs for 17 years and for bilionaire George Soros’ Soros Fund Management LLC. [13] Billionaire Trump is easily revealed as an establishment insider.
Trump supporters will ignore his vast amount of wealth made under this corrupt political system simply because he has made politically incorrect speeches. His political incorrectness and wealth are psychologically appealing to his supporter base. Trump supporters believe he is an alpha male who means what he says and won’t sellout unlike those RINOs in Congress. Supporters view Trump as a person who has “made it” in this immoral political system and is “great” enough to restore America. Trump being “great” while his opponents are “weak”, is a Social-Darwinist belief that his supporters apparently believe in.
Trump supporters claim that he will make America great again, but his policies on immigration alone prove why his presidency would be dictatorial in nature. It appears that Trump supporters do not want a limited government. In actuality, Trump supporters want a totalitarian form of government run ideologically under Fascism. Trump’s claim to being a nationalist and making America “great again” are incorrect. Instead, they are euphemisms for a return to a traditional America that excludes the various cultures he has attacked during his campaign. This fascist state is where Trump supporters have hope that a “White Anglo-Saxon Protestant” heritage can thrive once again.
His inferences to a WASP ethos is evident by  the use of a divide and conquer strategy where he is pitting Americans of different backgrounds against each other, e.g. a Muslim ban.
The demographic shift in America, where people of color will constitute the majority in 2042, is precisely why the immigration issue is his central position. [14] Due to the proximity of the Mexican border, undocumented immigrants are not assimilating to so-called traditional American values. Simultaneously, the standard of living has declined and  has given rise to a climate of scapegoating.
Thus, the Trump campaign is a hope for a return to a WASP-centric country, even if it has to be done under Fascism. Such an illusion ignores the historical consequences of land acquisition through an illegal war (Mexican-American War), broken treaties (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo), subsequent occupation, and the fundamental contradictions within the US political-economy. This has created a boondoggle all in the name of cheap labor, high profits, and greed. It is imperative that people of goodwill stop Trump and his faction from entering the Executive Branch of the United States; thereby obstructing his chance to unleash Nazi rule in America.
Andrew J. Santos holds a B.A. in Ethnic Studies from the University of California, Riverside
[1] Donald J. Trump, “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again” May 20, 2016
[2] Fox News, “Ron Paul, Border Fence Will Be Used To ’Keep Us In’” September 7, 2011
[3] Cedar Attanasio, “Canadian Immigrants Lead World In Illegal U.S. Visa Overstays, According To First- Ever DHS Estimates” Feb 4, 2016
[4] Jens Manuel Krogstad and Jeffrey S. Passel, “5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.” Nov 19,2015
[5] Julia Peterson, Alan Rapperport, and Matt Richtel, “What Would It Take for Donald Trump to Deport 11 Million and Build a Wall?” May 19, 2016
[6] Donald J. Trump, “Compelling Mexico To Pay For The Wall” May 20,2016
[7] Mark Hensch, “Ron Paul: Trump’s Mexico wall ‘sounds like theft’” April 6, 2016
[8] Ian Tuttle, “Donald Trump Thinks American Workers Aren’t Good Enough for the Trump Organization” Feb 25, 2016
[9] Donald J. Trump, “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again” May 20, 2016
[10] Alex Nowrasteh and Jim Harper, “Checking E-Verify: The Costs and Consequences of a National Worker Screening Mandate” July 7, 2015
[11] Cornell University Law School, “U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment” May 20, 2016
[12] Nick Gass, “Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems” June 16, 2015
[13] Carrie Levine, “Donald Trump’s new finance guru: once a Clinton donor Soros employee” May 5, 2016
[14] Ed Pilkington, “US set for dramatic change as white America becomes minority by 2042” August 14, 2008

Monday, May 2, 2016





Desde los años sesenta, todos los servicios de seguridad del imperialismo apuntan como enemigo principal del orden imperialista dominante a lo que ya denominaban como maoístas. Aún sin haber sido definido por los comunistas el Maoísmo como tercera etapa y principal de la ideología del proletariado, el imperialismo y la reacción mundiales, ya habían comprendido la verdad incuestionable de que el Maoísmo es la fase de desarrollo superior y última del Marxismo. En los ochenta, Bajo la incuestionable dirección del Pte. Gonzalo, al frente del Partido Comunista del Perú, el Maoísmo es definido como tercera etapa y principal de la ideología de la clase. En el fragor de la guerra popular del Perú, en 1987, el Partido Comunista del Perú y el Partido Comunista de España, marcando un pequeño hito histórico, llaman a Enarbolar, Defender y Aplicar el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo, principalmente Maoísmo. Es pues, perentorio que los comunistas comprendamos y asumamos la verdad incuestionable de que el Maoísmo es la tercera etapa y principal del Marxismo.

Desde Carlos Marx, se nos plantea la necesidad de buscar y unir a los comunistas del Mundo. Hoy nos corresponde asumir y aplicar esta tarea con mayor firmeza y decisión. La necesidad de fortalecer el vínculo entre los partidos comunistas y organizaciones revolucionarias y trabajar en función de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial, es tarea que reafirma la condición comunista. Comprender la situación del Mundo y la lucha contra el imperialismo y el revisionismo, ver especialmente la definitiva entronización del Maoísmo, la construcción de Partidos Comunistas con Línea Roja Proletaria y Bases de Unidad Partidaria en función del Poder, son puntos cardinales que nos reafirman y marcan, no solo nuestro derrotero, si no la marcha de la revolución, así como su perspectiva.

El imperialismo, consciente de los claros objetivos de los comunistas, pretende dividir a los verdaderos Partidos Comunistas y aplastarlos con patrañas, intrigas e infiltraciones. Los servidores del imperialismo al seno de los comunistas, conscientes e inconscientes, desvirtúan la Lucha de Dos Líneas, atacan a su dirección y a las Bases de Unidad Partidaria. También hay quiénes guiados por criterios que nada tienen que ver con la concepción del mundo del proletariado, quiénes guiados por criterios revisionistas y oportunistas, confunden la necesidad de unidad de los comunistas, de los marxistas-leninistas-maoístas, y reaccionan, ante nuestra búsqueda de unidad, vertiendo acusaciones de que únicamente se trata de "buscar avales". La necesidad y obligación de unidad de los comunistas, se asume o se niega. La asumen los auténticos comunistas guiados por una línea roja proletaria; la desvirtúan y niegan aquéllos en los que en sus cabezas anidan ideas y líneas oportunistas de derechas, posiciones escisionistas y posturas izquierdistas. Para los comunistas, lo que es necesidad, se define, se asume y se cumple, y su práctica es el único criterio que marca su auténtica condición. La necesidad de buscar la unidad y lograrla en base a los principios y objetivos del proletariado, las masas y las naciones y pueblos oprimidos por el imperialismo, es expresión de nuestro incuestionable Internacionalismo Proletario.

Mostrando su auténtico pavor a los Partidos Comunistas y su ideología, el imperialismo sustenta y genera organizaciones revisionistas de verbo radical, que pregonan y hacen lucha armada. La lucha armada, por sí misma, no lleva a la toma del Poder, únicamente un Partido Comunista, con una Línea Roja Proletaria al frente, militarizado y que sea capaz de aplicar la estrategia militar del proletariado a las condiciones concretas de cada revolución: la Guerra Popular, que impulse la creación de las milicias obreras y de masas, que impulse el mar armado de masas, es garantía de triunfo. Es por ello que hemos de intensificar e incrementar la lucha ideológica, enarbolando como aspecto fundamental el persistir en la estrategia general que marca el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo, reafirmándonos en la cuestión de la unidad de los comunistas, la defensa y desarrollo del marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo y combatiendo el revisionismo y las posturas frentistas que hoy se manifiestan, ya que desvirtúan la unidad de los comunistas y niega los principios.

Partimos de que estamos en un momento de transición del repliegue a la nueva gran ola de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial y el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo y su aplicación concreta, es la única base de unidad que puede garantizar el correcto derrotero de las luchas que hoy se desenvuelven y dirigir la Revolución Mundial. El aumento de las luchas del proletariado y las masas por el Mundo, la guerra popular en Nepal, las luchas de la juventud en Francia, etc., son muestras fehacientes de este tránsito de repliegue a Nueva Gran Ola de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial. Día a día, el proletariado, las masas y las naciones y pueblos oprimidos por el imperialismo, avanzarán irremediablemente en sus luchas clamando revolución y comprenderán la necesidad de tomar el Poder en sus manos. Sólo un Partido Comunista, con una Línea Roja Proletaria al frente, bregando de forma incansable, puede conducirnos, pues éste es su estado mayor y único capaz que dirigirá todo el proceso de lucha contra el imperialismo, la Revolución Socialista, la de Nueva Democracia y la Revolución Cultural Proletaria, hasta el comunismo.

De suma importancia y necesidad, es la construcción del Partido de la clase, del Partido de vanguardia del proletariado, con Base de Unidad Partidaria Marxista-Leninista-Maoísta, principalmente Maoísta, porque este es el más alto desarrollo de la ideología del proletariado. Un Partido Comunista tiene como tarea principal el Poder, aplicando a las condiciones concretas de cada revolución la estrategia general del Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo y desarrollando la correcta lucha de dos líneas en su seno y la lucha de clases, hasta el triunfo final. El Partido Comunista, dotado de infinita entrega y confianza en el proletariado y las masas, es su instrumento para demoler el viejo orden de opresión y explotación y construir un nuevo Poder, a través de los Consejos Obreros, estableciendo la Dictadura del Proletariado en el fragor de la lucha de clases, en cualesquiera de sus manifestaciones y especificaciones, impulsando una gran movilización y politización del proletariado y las masas. Porque la clase es una sola, solo ha de tener un único Partido, una sola ideología. Que el proletariado se dote de su Partido Comunista, es necesidad histórica.

En este 1º de Mayo, nos reafirmamos en nuestro compromiso con el Internacionalismo Proletario, en luchar incansablemente por la entronización del Maoísmo, la construcción de Partidos Comunistas, en continuar bregando por la culminación de la Reconstitución del Partido bajo la firme y roja guía del Pte. Víctor, y en servir al proletariado y las masas en su lucha por sacudirse toda manifestación de opresión y explotación.

¡Gloria al Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo!

¡Viva el Internacionalismo Proletario!

¡Por la Unidad de los Comunistas en Base al Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo!

¡Viva el Partido Comunista de España y su Jefatura el Pte. Víctor!

Mayo 2006

Comité Central

Partido Comunista de España